Freeman Allen's Sugar Shack

Story by LaRue Allen. Research by Janie Ferguson.

Located on Coon Road is Freeman Allen's "Sugar Shack."

Freeman built it, sometime in the early eighties. It is approximately 12 feet wide, by 20 feet long, by 10 feet tall. All of the lumber came from trees on the main farm. They were sawed by a friend of his. He used it for many years, producing maple syrup for the homestead, and for retail sales. The evaporator was removed, and is at Freeman's grandson's place.


Many of the original taps (spiles), and buckets were still there, some in good shape, some quite rusty, and Eva's wood-burning cookstove was also in there the last time we were in there a few years ago, before Hugh (Freeman's son) sold the farm.

This story originated on Middletown Historical Society of Steuben County.


In Memory: Richard G. Swift


How Cameron got it’s name